Welcome to the cshampoo Project Website

cshampoo, a Vermont Department of Taxes project, is a portable library for writing web servers and web services in C. It includes an embedded web server library, yoctohttp, and a SOAP library, libcshampoo. To find out the current development status, when the next version will be released and what new features will be included, check out the status page.

November 1, 2007 - cshampoo 1.2.0 Released

The cshampoo team is pleased to announce the 1.2.0 release of cshampoo. This is an 'alpha' release (i.e. it isn't ready for production use yet). The release is mainly intended for developers and testers who want to help do more testing and work out any remaining bugs or issues. There will probably be one or more beta releases in the coming weeks. After the betas, a stable release will be made. You can get the source code from the download page. You can report bugs to the tracker.

October 11, 2007 - Source Forge Project Created

The Source Forge infrastructure is up and running.